Did you know?
Great information to help you become more sustainable.
Join Sonny and Skye through this interactive platform that will help uncover somethings you might not know about sustainability.

Did you know that car tyres have approximately 34L of oil per tyre and a tyre can take between 50-80 years to breakdown if dumped in the environment?

Leather Shoes
Did you know that it takes 35 – 40 years for leather shoes to break down?

Styrofoam cup
Did you know that it takes 500 years to forever for a Styrofoam cup to break down?

Wool socks
Did you know that it takes 1 – 5 years to break down?

Glass bottles
Did you know that it takes 1 million years for a glass bottle to break down?

aluminium can
Did you know that it takes 80-100 years to break down?

Tin can
Did you know that it takes 50-100 years to break down?

Did you know that it takes 2 – 5 months to break down?

Cotton T-shirt
Did you know that it takes 6 months

Plastic bags
Did you know that it takes 500 years to forever for a plastic bag to breakdown?
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Getting involved

Let's Play
Play the Sonny the Sustainability Arcade Games and test your skills

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Colouring Sheets
Download some fun water, waste and energy colouring in sheets here.

Let's Learn
Join Sonny and Skye on their mission to scout more ways to be sustainable always.

Let's Learn
Read Sonny's top tips for recycling and other great sustainability stories.

Let's Learn
Earn Water, Waste and Energy badges with Sonny and Skye!

Let's Learn
A range of fact sheets to help you become more sustainable.
Let's power change
with Sonny and Skye.

If you enjoy fun, games, and learning about our environment you will love joining Sonny and Skye on their mission to scout out ways we can be sustainable always.
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Content on this site has been designed using the NSW and Australian Curriculum syllabus outcomes for Stages 1, 2 and 3. The information and fact sheets have the relevant syllabus outcomes listed
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